Il contenuto di questa pagina è solo divulgativo. Le informazioni in essa contenute riguardanolibri e kits che possono essere fuori produzione o di difficile reperibilità. In this page you find the complete Files of Italian Machines produced by Italian and International Firms: Kits, Accessories, Conversions, Decal sheets, Books, Paintings and Other. This is a reference page only. |
Titles of general interest |
AERONAUTICA ITALIANA dieci anni di storia 1943-52. A.Vigna/Tuttostoria. 256 pgs. 530 b/w photos. An interesting collection of rare images of Italian A.F. from the armistice to the early jets. |
AIR WAR ITALY 1944-45. N.Beale/Airlife. 232 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. The Axis Air Forces from the liberation of Roma to the surrender. |
AIR WAR OVER ITALY. A.Brookes/Airlife. 160 pgs, b/w photos.The Air Combats over Italy. |
ALDO FRACCAROLI FOTOGRAFO NAVALE 1933-1993. Andò,Bagnasco/Tuttostoria. 384 pgs. 580 b/w photos & profiles.A rare collection of pictures of Italian fleet through 60 years of history. |
ALI DELLA MARINA. M.Amatimaggio/Publimodel. The helicopters and Harriers of Italian Navy in color. |
ARMI ED EQUIPAGGIAMENTI dell'ESERCITO ITALIANO nella GRANDE GUERRA 1915-18. N.Mantoan/Rossato Ed.. 200 pgs, 500 b/w & color photos. The uniforms,helmets,weapons,equipments,guns and tools of Italian Army in WW1. |
AVIAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO. Rivista Militare. 220 pgs, color photos. All the helicopters of Italian Army Light Air Force in color: L-18,21.AB47.AB204,205,206,212,412. A109,129.CH-47. |
BOMBARDEOS DEL LITORAL MEDITERRANEO DURANTE LA GUERRA CIVIL VOL.I, II. J.Infiesta Perez/Quiron Ediciones. 140 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. The SM 79 attacks from Baleari. |
CACCIA E BOMBARDIERI REGIA AERONAUTICA. N.Sgarlato/Delta Ed. B/w & color photos, cutaway drawings. Images of aircraft of Regia Aeronautica in WW2. |
CARRI ARMATI E AUTOBLINDATE DEL REGIO ESERCITO ITALIANO 1918-43. G.Benussi/Intergest (1976). 86 pgs, b/w photos, drawings. Technical profiles of tanks and armored cars of Regio Esercito. |
COLORI E SCHEMI MIMETICI della REGIA AERONAUTICA 1935-43. Postiglioni,Degl'Innocenti /GMT-CMPR-GAVS. 134 pgs, b/w photos, b/w & color schemes. The manual of the color schemes and markings of Regia Aeronautica's aircraft. |
COURAGE ALONE - The Italian Air Force 1940-1943. C.Dunning/Hikoki Publications. 272 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. Images in action of all aircraft of Regia Aeronautica |
GLI AUTOVEICOLI DEL REGIO ESERCITO nella 2a G.M. N.Pignato/Tuttostoria. 160 pgs. 200 b/w photos, drawings. All the wheeled vehicles of Regio Esercito in WW2. |
ITALIAN ACES OF WORLD WAR 2 G.Massimello,G.Apostolo/Osprey Aircraft of the aces Vol.34 |
ITALIAN FIGHTING VEHICLES OF W.W.II. Ground Power n.15 - 8/1995. 150 pgs, b/w&color photos, scale drawings.The tanks and armored cars of Regio Esercito in detail. |
L'AERONAUTICA NAZIONALE REPUBBLICANA-La guerra aerea in Italia 1943-45. N.Arena/Albertelli. 560 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. The complete history of ANR |
LA GRANDE GUERRA AEREA 1915-18. G.Rossato ed. 342 pgs. 200 b/w photos. The Italian aircraft in WW1. |
LA MARINA MILITARE ITALIANA. R.Stanglini,M.Cosentino/Edai. 280 pgs. 510 colour photos and drawings.The ships. aircraft and bases of modern Italian Navy in color. |
LA MARINA MILITARE ITALIANA 130 anni di uniformi 1861-1991. V.DelGiudice/Albertelli 280 pgs. 137 photos, 94 tables..The Uniforms of Italian Navy in color. |
LA MECCANIZZAZIONE DELL'ESERCITO FINO AL 1943. L.Ceva,A.Curami/S.M.E. 1100 pgs, 500 photos and drawings, 2 vols.The mechanization of the Army from beginning to 1943. |
LA REGIA AERONAUTICA nella 2a G.M.. N.Sgarlato/Delta Ed. B/w & color photos, drawings. Images of aircraft of Regia Aeronautica in WW2. |
LE ARTIGLIERIE DEL REGIO ESERCITO nella 2a G.M.. N.Pignato/Tuttostoria. 300 pgs. 330 b/w photos, drawings. All the artilleries of Regio Esercito in WW2. |
LE UNIFORMI DEL REGIO ESERCITO ITALIANO NEL PERIODO UMBERTINO. G.Cantelli/Ufficio Storico S.M.E. 1590 pgs. 2000 photos, color tables. The uniforms of Italian Army in the period 1875-1910. |
L'ITALIA E' PICCOLA, TERRE D'OLTREMARE. F.Ogliari/Cavallotti Ed. 6 vols, 4500 pgs, b/w photos. A detailed history of the transport in the colonies. Railways, ships, aircraft, vehicles in Libia, Somalia, Eritrea, Etiopia, Albania, Greek islands throu thousands of pictures. |
L'ITALIA IN GUERRA 1940-45. Retroscena tecnico della disfatta. N.Arena/Albertelli. 520 pgs, b/w photos. A detailed analysis of the defeat of Italian Armed Forces. Several pictures of Army,Navy & Air Forces. |
LUFTKRIEG UBER AFRIKA - Die Italienische und Deutsche Luftwaffe uber dem Mittelmeer 1940-1943. Band.I, II. C.Lucchini,E.Leproni/Flugzeug. 144 pgs, b/w & color photos, color profiles. Images of Italian and German aircraft in North Africa. |
M.A.S. E MEZZI D'ASSALTO DI SUPERFICIE ITALIANI. E.Bagnasco/Uff.Storico Marina Mil. 438 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles, drawings. A detailed history of Italian torpedo boats in WW2. |
MEZZI DELL'ESERCITO ITALIANO 1935-45. Barlozzetti,Pirella/Editoriale Olimpia. 376 pgs, b/w photos, drawings. All the vehicles of Regio Esercito and their camouflage, markings and tankers uniforms. |
MILITARY AIRCRAFT no.17. French & Italian aircraft in WW2. Delta Publ.Co. Japan. 192 pgs, b/w photos. Images of Regia Aeronautica with a color profile of MC 202. |
MOTORIII! Le truppe corazzate italiane 1919-1994. N.Pignato/GMT. 192 pgs, b/w photos. Images of L3,L6,Semoventi,Autocannoni,Libli |
MUSSOLINI's AFRIKA KORPS. Rex Trye/Axis Europe Books. 220 pgs, b/w & color photos. The men and vehicles of Regio Esercito in North africa. |
MUSSOLINI's SOLDIERS. Rex Trye/Airlife. 164 pgs, b/w & color photos. The men, uniforms and weapons of Regio Esercito in WW2. |
MVSN - STORIA,ORGANIZZAZIONE,UNIFORMI E DISTINTIVI. G.Rosignoli/Albertelli. 192 pgs, b/w photos, color tables. The story, uniforms and badges of Volunteer Militia for National Security. |
NAPOLEON'S ITALIAN TROOPS. O.Von Pivka,M.Chappell/Osprey Men at Arms vol.88. |
NAVI E MARINAI ITALIANI nella GRANDE GUERRA Bagnasco,rastelli/Albertelli 200 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles.The Italian Fleet in WW1 |
NAVI E MARINAI ITALIANI NELLA 2a G.M. Andò,Bagnasco/Tuttostoria. 384 pages, 578 b/w photos & profiles. An illustrated history of Italian Fleet in WW2. |
NEI CIELI DI GUERRA / WINGS OF ITALY. Giorgio Apostolo Editore. 216 pgs. 230 color photos. The aircraft of Regia Aeronautica in color |
QUELLI DEL GATTO NERO - I 60 anni del 51°Stormo 1939-1999. N.Malizia 303 pgs. 408 b/w & color photos. The story of 51st stormo particularly in WW2: the defence of Roma and Napoli,Battle of Britain, Malta,Mediterranean and Russian theatre. |
REGIA AERONAUTICA. N.Sgarlato/Delta Ed. B/w & color photos and profiles. Images of aircraft of Regia Aeronautica in WW2. |
REGIA AERONAUTICA 1940-43. C.Shores/Squadron 6008 (1979). 60 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. The aircraft of Regia Aeronautica until to the armistice |
REGIA AERONAUTICA 1943-45. D'Amico,Valentini/Squadron 6044 (1980). 60 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles. The aircraft of Regia Aeronautica after the armistice |
REGIA AERONAUTICA. Il settore mediterraneo, I fronti africani, Balcani e fronte orientale, Colori e insegne, Periodo prebellico e fronti occidentali, La guerra in Italia, L'aviazione legionaria. Emiliani, Ghergo, Vigna/Intergest/Albertelli. 7 small books with 120 pgs, b/w & color photos and profiles printed in 1973/76. Images of Regia Aeronautica in WW2. |
REGIO ESERCITO ITALIANO. Uniformi 1919-1933. R.Belogi/S.M.E. 208 pgs, 300 b/w &, color tables. The uniforms of Italian Army in detail. |
R.S.I. uniformi,distintivi,equipaggiamenti e armi 1943-45. C.Rosignoli/Albertelli. 120 pgs. 57 photos, 588 drawings and tables..The Uniforms, badges, equipments and weapons of R.S.I. Army. |
RUOTE IN DIVISA. I veicoli militari Italiani 1900-1987. Pignacca/Nada Editore. 160 pgs, b/w&color photos, drawings.The Italian military vehicles on wheels in WW1, WW2, today. |
SOLO CORAGGIO! La storia completa della Regia Aer. dal 1940 al 1943. C.Dunning/Delta Ed. 272 pgs. Courage Alone! translated into Italian. |
SOMMERGIBILI ITALIANI. tomo I,II. Turrini,Miozzi/Uff.Storico Marina Mil. 880 pgs, b/w photos, color profiles, tech drawings.WW1,WW2 and Today's history of Italian submarines. |
STUKAS OVER THE MEDITERRANEAN 1940-1945 P.Smith/Greenhill Several images of Italian Stukas. |
THE ITALIAN ARMY 1940-45 pt.1 Europe 1940-43 Jowett,Andrew/Osprey Men at Arms vol.340. |
THE ITALIAN ARMY 1940-45 pt.2 Africa 1940-43 Jowett,Andrew/Osprey Men at Arms vol.349. |
THE ITALIAN ARMY 1940-45 pt.3 Italy 1943-45 Jowett,Andrew/Osprey Men at Arms vol.353. |
THE ITALIAN INVASION OF ABISSINIA 1935-36 D.Nicolle,R:Ruggeri/Osprey Men at Arms Vol.309. |
VEICOLI DA COMBATTIMENTO dell'ESERCITO ITALIANO dal 1939 al 1945. Falessi,Pafi/Intyrama(1976). 154 pgs, b/w photos, drawings. The combat tanks of Regio Esercito in WW2. |
- N.B.: the titles with the year in brackets are out of print. -
The Italian Magazines in news-stand |
AEREI - Aviation magazine. Born in 1973 as montly, it becomes bimontly in 2001 with a new cover. 78 pgs, Lire 13000 (€ 6,72). Contact Delta Editrice, fax 0521 237546, website |
AEREI MODELLISMO - First review of aircraft modelling, it stopped the print in 2000. Famous the articles of G.Piva on Luftwaffe airplanes. An issue 48 pgs. For back issues contact Delta Editrice, fax 0521 237546. |
AEREI NELLA STORIA - Bimontly aviation magazine with several articles about Italian aircraft. 70 pgs, Lire 11000 (€ 5,68). Contact West-ward Edizioni, Casella postale 411, 43100 Parma, |
AERONAUTICA & DIFESA - Montly aviation magazine with articles about Italian and international air forces. 82 pgs, Lire 6500 (€ 3,35). Contact Edizioni Monografie srl, CP 2118, 00100 Roma, tel 06 5180534 |
AIRKIT - Montly aviation modelling magazine from 2002 in news-stand. 60 pgs, € 4,90. Contact Airkit News, Via di Grottarossa 114, 00189 Roma, email |
ALI IN MINIATURA - Montly aviation modelling magazine born in october 2001. 60 pgs, € 6,20. Contact Eagle Press, via Matteotti 7, 00015 Monterotondo, fax 06 90623410, e-mail |
ESERCITI NELLA STORIA - Bimontly magazine of land forces historical events and battles. 72 pgs, Lire 13000 (€ 6,72). Contact Delta Editrice, fax 0521 237546, |
EURO MODELISMO Edizione Italiana- Italian edition of the Spanish montly magazine. 1st issue Feb.2001. 86 pgs, Lire 13000 (€ 6,72). Contact Delta Editrice, fax 0521 237546. |
MEZZI CORAZZATI - Quarterly magazine, from 2002 bimontly, on fighting vehicles modelling. 64 pgs,€ 6,50. Contact Mattioli 1885 spa, via Coduro 1/b, 43036 Fidenza, fax 0524 84751, e-mail |
MODEL TIME - Montly review of military modelling technics in general. 82 pgs, Lire 9000 (€ 4,65). Contact E.Albertelli Editore, fax 0521 290387. |
RID - RIVISTA ITALIANA DIFESA - Montly magazine for the enthusiasts of military history and technology. 98 pgs, Lire 8000 (€ 4,13). Contact Giornalistica Riviera, fax 0185 309063, website:, e-mail: . |
RIVISTA AERONAUTICA - Bimontly magazine of the Italian Air Force from 1925 illustraded with color photos. 126 pgs, Lire 7000 (€ 3,61). Contact Servizio Amministrativo Aeronautica Militare, via dell'Università 4, 00185 Roma. fax: 06 49865495, website: |
RIVISTA MILITARE - Bimontly magazine of the Italian Army for the readers interested to his military operations and developments. Illustraded with interesting color photos of men and machines. 152 pgs, Lire 4000 (€ 2,07). Contact Ufficio Amministrazione Esercito, e-mail: . |
SKYMODEL - Bimontly aircraft modelling magazine born in 2001. 66 pgs, € 6,50. Contact Auriga Publishing Int.,sal.Nuova NS Monte 6A, 16143 Genova fax 010 5184210, e-mail |
SOLDATINI - Bimontly magazine for the collectors of military figures in all the scales. 66 pgs, Lire 12000 (€ 6,20). Contact E.Albertelli Editore, fax 0521 290387. |
STEEL ART - New Bimontly magazine of AFV modelling. 74 pgs, € 7,00. Contact Auriga Publishing Int.. |
STORIA E BATTAGLIE - Bimontly magazine of military history in general. It is in the news-stand from an year. 48 pgs, Lire 8000 (€ 4,13). Contact Editoriale Lupo, fax 055 8497514, e-mail: . |
STORIA DEL NOVECENTO - Montly magazine, formerly STORIA DEL XX SECOLO, of military history dedicated to the Italians in WW2 before and especially after 8 sept.1943. For those who want to know the real history. 58 pgs, Italian text, Lire 12000 (€ 6,20). Contact Grafica MA.RO srl Editrice, fax 0385 968093. |
STORIA MILITARE - Montly magazine of military history especially dedicated to the Italian Armies in WW2. 60 pgs, Lire 9000 (€ 4,65). Contact Tuttostoria, fax 0521 290387. |
TUTTO MODELLISMO - Montly magazine of military modelling, it stopped the print in 2000. An issue 66 pgs. |
UNIFORMI E ARMI - Montly magazine for the enthusiasts of uniforms. 66 pgs, Lire 13000 (€ 6,72). Contact E.Albertelli Editore, fax 0521 290387. |
The Model Clubs publications |
CMPR - Notiziario di Plastimodellismo. Plastic Modelling magazine. 4 issues per year. Subscription to: CMPR - C.P.96 - 48015 Cervia (RA). e-mail: |
GMT -Notiziario Modellistico. History and Modelling magazine. 3 issues per year. Subscription to: GMT, A.M.Feller, Via Vivaldi 16, 38100 Trento. fax 0461 826758. |
IPMS Italy - Il Notiziario Ipms. Plastic Modelling magazine. 4 issues per year. Subscription to: IPMS Italy c/o Giorgio Pini, Casella Postale 36,41010 Fossoli (MO). |
Alcuni Album di figurine militari dagli anni '50 a oggi.
Some Albums of military cards in the news-stands from the Fifties to the present.
![]() | Storia completa dell'Aviazione 372 figurine da incollare su uomini,mezzi e aerei del mondo. Album with 372 pictures illustrating the aviation history through men and aircraft. Italian text. Collezione Lampo 1953. |
![]() | Gli Aerei moderni di tutto il mondo Album con figurine da ritagliare e incollare. Album with pictures to cut out and to glue of the modern airplanes of the world. Italian text. Corriere dei Piccoli 1966. |
![]() | Battaglie Storiche Album con figurine adesive che riproducono le battaglie più importanti della storia. Sono state realizzati due diversi album con raffigurazione di battaglie differenti all'interno, le copertine sono uguali ma la 2a edizione non ha il timbro Cox International sullo scudo del soldato romano. / Album with sticking pictures illustrating the most important battles of the History. Text in 5 languages. Cox International/Editrice Imperia 1970. |
![]() ![]() | Gli Aerei del Mondo. 432 figurine da incollare che illustrano la storia dell'aviazione mondiale. / Album with pictures to glue illustrating the story of the aviation. 432 cards. Italian text. Edizioni Sagittario 1968. N.B. Questo album non si completava facilmente perchè le figurine 9 e 11 erano molto rare e chi riusciva ad arrivare quasi alla fine poteva richiederlealle ed. Sagittario come figurine mancanti, come all'epoca ho fatto io completando quindi l'album. |
![]() | Aviazione Uomini-Mezzi-Imprese. 280 figurine adesive e da incollare che illustrano la storia dell'aviazione mondiale. / Album with pictures to glue and self-adhesive illustrating the story of the aviation. 280 cards. Italian text. Collezioni Lampo/Editrice Moderna 1970. |
![]() | La Conquista del Cielo Uomini-Mezzi-Imprese. 276 figurine da incollare di grande formato (stesse figurine e copertina dell'album precedente). / Album with 276 large pictures to glue (cards and cover like the album above). Italian text. Editrice Cenisio 1971. |
![]() | Aerei della IIa Guerra Mondiale 32 immagini adesive formato cartolina con schede tecniche. Album with 32 large sticking pictures of WW2 rapresentative aircraft and their technical data. Italian text. Eureka/Editoriale Corno 1972. |
![]() | Aerei super Raf 503 figurine adesive sulla storia dell'aviazione. Album with 503 sticking pictures illustrating the aircraft history. Italian text. Ediraf 1973. |
![]() | Navi di tutti i tempi 32 figurine adesive e notizie storiche sulle navi del mondo. Album with 32 pictures illustrating the ship history. Italian text. Collana Zeta/Edigamma 1976. |
![]() | Aerei 200 figurine adesive sugli aerei del mondo, con aeroporto in cartoncino Airport 2000 e 40 modellini in metallo. Album with 200 self-adhesive pictures about the world aircraft, a cardboard airport named Airport 2000 and 40 metal miniatures. Italian text. Panini Modena 1993. |